The secret is out... after years of praying for the children that will fill our home, Future Dad and I feel called by God to adopt 2 children from Hungary.
We feel so humbled and blessed that he chose us to parent his children. It must be a small tinge of what Joseph must have felt when he learned he would be Jesus' father. He is not Jesus' biological dad, but he was his father. He loved him, raised him and trained him in this world. When the Bible says that Jesus "increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man", I have to believe that Joseph had something to do with it.
We are starting out with the expectation that our children will be home by Christmas 2014. Anything earlier than that will be extra icing on the cake.
Beautiful Hungarian Children!
We titled our blog "Our Extra Pickles" because during this journey, we very much want to appreciate all the little things along the journey. When Future Dad goes to get dinner and brings back Chick-fil-a (my all time favorite), I am reminded of how much he loves me. It is because he remembers to order my sandwich with extra pickles. I have the sticker on the dash of my car that came on the chicken sandwich box and it just says "EXTRA PICKLES".
I took it from the sandwich box and put it on the glass next to my speedometer, so that daily, I am reminded of the love he has for me. It is the little things that make life special and lovely.
I took it from the sandwich box and put it on the glass next to my speedometer, so that daily, I am reminded of the love he has for me. It is the little things that make life special and lovely.
This adoption journey is going to be filled with ups and downs and we are SO blessed to have each other. I cannot imagine a better partner for me and a better future dad for our kids.
Our children will be a little bit older, the 3-6 range, which means they are already alive. They are already breathing, eating and sleeping humans. Our hearts and prayers are that they will be loved daily. That one person will hug them, scoop them up and whisper love into their hearts until we can get to them. We will be their parents and they will be our children. Our extra pickles.
Praying over our family Ruth 1:16 and 17: "For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you."
Look at those eyes... a very loved Hungarian boy in the arms of his father.
Love always,
Future Mama
Congratulations Nathan and Hannah! So excited for you and can't wait to meet your kids when they arrive.